Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This post brought to you by the letter O

And O is for Ox gall.

 So Ox gall is something that I use for my watercolors, it was recommended to me by a teacher, to keep the pigments well distributed, I've tried to look back in my archives for pictures of what it can look like if you don't use ox gall I wasn't taking great pictures of things back then either (I've come a long way on many fronts). Ox gall is in fact what it says it is, for more info on the subject google it.
When I use the ox gall I just add a few drops before I add the water to the well I'm using. It lasts forever. This bottle above lasted me for years, I would still be using it if I hadn't dropped it one day, cracked the lid, spilled half and then the cracked lid let it evaporate. Don't do that.

This is the ox gall I'm using now. The first bottle I used was clear, this isn't, I'm not really sure why but it seems to work just as well so yes. Now you know about ox gall. A random art supply.

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