Friday, March 18, 2016


I am a 2D artist, for me that means painting and drawing. I primarily work in watercolor and with that you want draw as little as possible because watercolor is transparent and your lines will probably be seen. I haven't been drawing as much. I have to work harder at my drawing and so I get lazy and stop.
I worry about my skills diminishing and so as I was reviewing some goals, etc. I decided that I better get drawing. I did some random drawing one day and came upon an expirament to start drawing again. The plan was to simply set a timer and draw for 5 minutes. After a few days I decided to up the time to 7 minutes. It may seem like hardly any time and it is, but it's working for me. I can set the timer and focus in on drawing and I can even do it while waiting for paintings to dry. It's not too big of a commitment and I can work my way up if I want.
Anyway, here's what I drew this week.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Saving the world

There's a qote I love from Dostoyevsky: "Beauty will save the world." I believe that's true. I believe that things of beauty make us better, whether in art, music, nature, family or relations or elsewhere. There may be those who find beauty in an equation or reaction but the world must be saved by beauty, true beauty. Ugliness makes things worse, ugly words, ugly actions, ugly thoughts and intents. We crave beauty but we often settle for ugliness, or atleast I do. We can all do more to bring beauty into the world, to preserve its beauty or to make it a more beautiful place. Don't get caught up in the everyday ugliness, seek out beauty!