Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The progression of an Eight Fold painting

I thought I'd take you through the progression of one of the paintings in the Eight Fold series.
I start off with a design, I draw out the design and to keep track of the design I outline different sections in colored pencil. In this case I tried to keep pretty close to the colored pencil colors but I don't always.

Then I draw out the design on my watercolor block.

Then the colors come.

And the final piece.

Series: Eight Fold

Monday, April 28, 2014

Master Studies Update

Alright, once again it's time to update the progress of the master studies. You can see the previous posts here and here. I only had one study in the last week, I did however finally take a picture of the image I've been working off.

And here is my latest study.
Side by side like that I feel like I've improved.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Show prep

I've started framing pieces for my upcoming show, it's going pretty well and I'm loving how things have been coming together, how the frames and the mating are working together. I've found myself thinking back to the last time I did this, for my first solo show, I was trying to get pieces finished, scrambling to get things framed... in not very great frames. It's so much different this time, I've had the pieces done for ages, I've got all my frames and I'm working my way through framing them. I'm so excited for it to come together.

Series: Eight Fold

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Master Studies continued

I have one more master study to share, though I have gotten a bit busy with other things. Hopefully I'll have some more in the future.
I tried to size this one more along the lines of the picture I was drawing from. I think on the whole this one might have been better than the others to date but I think there's still plenty of room for improvement.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's coming!

So about a year ago I applied (I'm not sure that's the right word but I can't think of a better one) for a solo show, and I got that opportunity but the show was set for a year off and it's seemed so far off in the future. Now we're less than a month away from the start of the show and it's starting to feel more and more like a reality.
Today it gets that much more real, the frames arrived and I'm so excited, they weren't what I had originally hoped to get but I'm really excited about them now that I've seen them. I'm excited to make this happen, to have a show that's all my own, it's been a while. I'm excited for everyone who's always saying they want to see my art, here's something they can easily see!
This is happening, more to come!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pictures of pictures

So there are so many things I've learned and adjusted to in the years since I've graduated, one of those things is to take better pictures of my work and to crop and edit them. I usually use IrfanView and crop the images I take of my pictures. I've recently learned a new trick on a different editing program. I use natural light to take my pictures, sometimes this is great and other times the light is not as great (cloudy days etc.), with this new editing trick (which I haven't actually gotten around to using much yet) it can make the colors more like they are in real life so that's cool.
Series: Eight Fold
It can make a real difference, though sadly I'm not sure if you can really tell with these two. There might be an edit but for now if you can't see it, just trust me that this can be pretty cool.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This post brought to you by the letter O

And O is for Ox gall.

 So Ox gall is something that I use for my watercolors, it was recommended to me by a teacher, to keep the pigments well distributed, I've tried to look back in my archives for pictures of what it can look like if you don't use ox gall I wasn't taking great pictures of things back then either (I've come a long way on many fronts). Ox gall is in fact what it says it is, for more info on the subject google it.
When I use the ox gall I just add a few drops before I add the water to the well I'm using. It lasts forever. This bottle above lasted me for years, I would still be using it if I hadn't dropped it one day, cracked the lid, spilled half and then the cracked lid let it evaporate. Don't do that.

This is the ox gall I'm using now. The first bottle I used was clear, this isn't, I'm not really sure why but it seems to work just as well so yes. Now you know about ox gall. A random art supply.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Master Studies

I love Leonardo da Vinci and his work, he's fantastic, he's left-handed (which I can sympathize with) and just a genius. In the old academy systems the students started by drawing the prints or drawings (etc.) of the masters I've been doing quick studies from one of da Vinci's sketches to follow suit.

I forgot to take a picture of the sketch I've been drawing and I can't find it online so maybe I can do that later.

I've drawn it three times in a week, mostly pretty quick studies.

This was my first attempt, I may have spent more time on this one, I'm not sure.

This was the second, a few days later. It was a much quicker sketch, also the nose is really bad.

This is the one that I did today and it probably was a length of time in between the other two. The nose is even worse but the mouth and eyes might be a bit better.

It's a process. Anyway, here are some other things I've been working on this week. Have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I've had two museum trips in the last two days, which is awesome...not that I think about it I actually was at a third but it wasn't actually to see art (they're in between exhibits etc. more on that later perhaps). Anyway I really want to encourage anyone who hasn't yet gone to this exhibit, to do so because it's really great. I had the chance to go to a symposium on the exhibit last Friday and it was cool to learn more about the exhibit, the pieces themselves and the artists. Anyway see the exhibit, don't forget to make your reservation and bring your ticket with you.
If you can't make it there then think about downloading the free app that goes along with the exhibit, it'll be almost like you could go...except for the awesome being there part.
Anyway, go and do!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A bit about me

For anyone who's new to this blog, rather who hadn't read my old blog before, here's a little more about me:
Series: Rose Windows
photo by David Hawkinson

J M is a native of Utah.  After loving art growing up she studied painting and drawing at Brigham Young University and was fortunate enough to study with noted artist Wulf Barsch.  While at BYU JM was introduced to techniques used by ancient Greek and Renaissance master artists, such as sacred geometry, the golden section and symbolism, all of which have become an integral part of her artwork.  Often JM’s art draws inspiration from the likes of ancient Egyptian art, Classical Greek architecture, masonic art and symbolism, as well as Islamic geometric designs.
Since graduating with her Bachelor of Arts in Visual Art in 2009, JM’s work has been shown nationally in Connecticut and Georgia, and throughout the state of Utah in solo and group exhibitions including at the Springville Museum of Art.

New Art Blog

Hello and welcome to the new and improved art blog for JM Fine art. You can find all posts from the old art blog here. More to come!