Monday, July 28, 2014

The doors of paradise.

So a little over three years ago I had the amazing opportunity to go to Italy and it was art nerd heaven, I love the Renaissance. One of the things I was excited to see was The Gates of Paradise beautiful doors with panels sculpted for the baptistry of the Duomo in Florence. They were made by Lorenzo Ghiberti and his son Vittorio.

The original panels have been removed to a museum and replaced by copies but they're still beautiful. The gate keeps the tourists at bay I'm sure but it does block the view.

What a lot of people may not know is that you can also see a replica of the Gates of Paradise at the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. These panels were a ground breaking part of the Renaissance, perspective was used, etc. It was really cool to be able to see them up close and personal and hardly anyone else was around.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Gallery Stroll

I used to try to go to my local gallery stroll all the time ... try is the operative word there. I haven't been for months and I don't know how long it was before the last time. There is the fact that my local stroll isn't a stroll so much as a drive (it's nice when you really can stroll between the galleries) but at any rate, I slack when it comes to getting out, exploring new galleries and seeing local art.
Today I wasn't even thinking about gallery stroll but I happened to be going past one of my favorite galleries, one I'd love to work with some day, during the appointed stroll hours and so I stopped in. I saw some things I loved, some things that were interesting and other things as well. I also learned that the gallery has some new management... I'm not sure that's the right term but at any rate it was good to know and it was really nice to be in the gallery for a bit. I need to get out to gallery stroll more often.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Eight Fold Show

It's been a while and I'm sorry. I've had quite a bit going on and honestly I'm out of the habit of blogging. I'm hoping to make up for that now though. My show just officially closed on the third, unofficially it will still be open for a little while longer. It's been great, from the opening reception and participating in the local art walk, I've gotten to to meet people and share my art with them.
To those who've come to see or tried to come and see the exhibit, a huge thanks, I really appreciate your support. To those who couldn't see it for whatever reason, here's the next best thing.

P.s. This is not the whole exhibit.