Monday, August 31, 2015

100th Eight Fold

About two and a half years ago I began this series to see if there really was infinite possibility for variety of designs from one base. I recently finished the 100th design, it is not infinity of designs but there were times along the way that I never thought I'd get that far. I'm taking a break from the series to focus on other things for a while but I have many more ideas for designs and I'll come back to them in time.
For now I'm striking off in pursuit of different designs and silly though it may be, I'm quite excited. It has it's drawbacks at times but I love the freedom of being my own boss as an artist, if I want to go one direction, I can, and can also change on a whim in another direction.

Series: Eight Fold

Friday, August 21, 2015

For the love

I stumbled upon a program on the National Gallery in London, it's kind of showing a look at the Gallery and a sort of a behind the scenes look at a day in the life, or year of the life of the gallery.
I've never been to the museum and it isn't one that I've given a great deal of thought to, I knew there were a lot of great museums in London and intended to get there some day, I now fully wish/intend to make it to the National Gallery some day.
Going to the museums, standing among great masterworks is good for the soul, good for my soul anyway (and I would venture to impose it to all souls).
I am an art nerd, the friends I went to Italy with can verify. I get a huge thrill seeing masterworks in person, pieces that I've studied and pieces that I love. It was such a thrill to be there and in person in the Vatican Museum, the Ufizi, the Academia and to be right there, real and in person with the works of Durer, da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc. those that I admire, look up to and respect.  The National Gallery is full of gems, they have a list of 30 paintings, highlights of the collection and the artists, the paintings, they're fantastic!
I may be rambling, I just felt moved, as I often am, by great art and moved to share some of my feelings and enthusiasm. It's been an art rich evening, I hit a few galleries in my local gallery stroll and then this is wonderful.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Paint problems

While painting today I came to wish that I had a different shade of green, I have two but neither of them is really what I would hope. I've been looking around for a new green but I haven't been able to find one that doesn't have multiple pigments, or the possibility to cause cancer etc. The search continues I suppose, maybe I'll be able to find something.
If you know of a green that's great, let me know.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


I've been working for at least two years on my Eight Fold series, I decided that once I made it to one hundred different designs I'd do something else for a while. I'm rethinking that some because I'm now working on the 98th design and I still have so many other ideas for designs.
I started a landscape and now I want to do more, so I'm going after landscapes for as long as I feel like.
I feel like I'm a lot more eloquent when I'm not writing on this blog.
I'm really excited to work on landscapes and to find the images to work from. I'm very blessed to live in a very beautiful place, there's lots to choose from.

East Canyon
9x12 in.